DAV United Literary Conclave
Event Start Date : 29/08/2022 Event End Date 31/08/2022
Literary Conclave was organised on August 31, 2022 to promote the literary skills among students. It provided the opportunity to celebrate and honour the literary enthusiasts, workers and artists among us, around us and off-course within us. It was an attempt to make Literature enthusiasts delve into myriad forms. The event was inaugurated by the Honourable Sh. Rakesh Arya, IPS (Inspector General of Police, Hisar Range, Hisar) and closed by Honourable Dr. B.R. Kamboj (Vice Chancellor, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar). The highlight of the event remained panel discussion with the panellists, Dr. Manoj Dayal (Professor Mass communication, GJUS&T), Dr. Mihir Ranjan Patra (Professor Mass communication, GJUS&T), Dr. Keerty Goyal (Communication Trainer, Journalist, Writer and Academician), Sh. Lokesh Mohan Khattar (Poet, Actor, Director and Writer), Sh. Praveen Mukhija (Music Composer and Arranger).